reads configuration from either the passed in TestRailConfigOptions or the aftconfig.json file under a heading of testrailconfig like:

"TestRailConfig": {
"url": "",
"user": "",
"accesskey": "your-access-key-for-testrail",
"projectid": 123,
"suiteids": [234, 345, 456],
"planid": 123456


  • projectid and suiteids are only used if no planid is specified
  • if TestRailReportingPlugin is in use and no planid is specified a new TestRail plan will be created and the value stored in a shared file for access by other processes and subsequent test executions


  • ReportingPluginConfig
    • TestRailConfig



accessKey: string
cacheDuration: number = 300000
enabled: boolean
logLevel: "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "step" | "warn" | "pass" | "fail" | "error" | "none" = 'warn'
maxLogCharacters: number = 250
planId: number
policyEngineEnabled: boolean = true
projectId: number
suiteIds: number[] = []
url: string
user: string

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