reads configuration from either the passed in JiraConfigOptions or the aftconfig.json file under a heading of JiraConfig like:

"JiraConfig": {
"url": "",
"accesskey": "your-access-key-for-jira",
"policyEngineEnabled": true,
"openDefectOnFail": false,
"closeDefectOnPass": false,
"projectKey": "ABCD",
"closedStatusCategoryName": "Done"


  • openDefectOnFail and closeDefectOnPass can be used to only create new defects in certain environments or close defects following success in certain environments
  • if policyEngineEnabled is true then this policy plugin will be checked before tests are executed


  • PluginConfig
    • JiraConfig



accessKey: string
cacheDuration: number = 300000
closeDefectOnPass: boolean = false
closedStatusCategoryName: string = "Done"
enabled: boolean = ...
openDefectOnFail: boolean = false
policyEngineEnabled: boolean = true
projectKey: string
url: string

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