this plugin uses the following configuration to control its operation via aftconfig.json

"JiraConfig": {
"url": "https://your.jira.inst",
"user": "",
"accessKey": "your-jira-api-token",
"openDefectOnFail": true,
"closeDefectOnPass": true


if openDefectOnFail and closeDefectOnPass are both false this plugin will be disabled


  • ReportingPlugin
    • JiraReportingPlugin



_api: JiraApi
_closeOnPass: boolean
_logs: Map<string, string>
_openOnFail: boolean
initialise: ((logName) => Promise<void>)

Type declaration

    • (logName): Promise<void>
    • called by the parent ReportingManager on load to allow any plugins to configure themselves for a new logger


      • logName: string

        the name of the ReportingManager instance calling dispose

      Returns Promise<void>


  • get aftCfg(): AftConfig
  • Returns AftConfig

  • get aftLogger(): AftLogger
  • Returns AftLogger

  • get logLevel(): "warn" | "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "step" | "pass" | "fail" | "error" | "none"
  • allows for filtering out of erroneous information from logs by assigning values to different types of logging. the purpose of each log level is as follows:

    • trace - used when logging low-level debug events that occur within a loop
    • debug - used for debug logging that does not run within a loop or at a high frequency
    • info - used for informational events providing current state of a system
    • step - used within a test to denote where within the test steps we are
    • warn - used for unexpected errors that are recoverable
    • pass - used to indicate the success of a test expectation or assertion
    • fail - used to indicate the failure of a test expectation or assertion
    • error - used for unexpected errors that are not recoverable
    • none - used when no logging is desired (disables logging)

    Returns "warn" | "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "step" | "pass" | "fail" | "error" | "none"


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