• compares the passed in expected object to an actual checking that they both contain all the same properties and property types as are found in the expected object. for example, given an expected of:

    const expected = {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: true

    and an actual of:

    const actual = {
    foo: 'foo',
    bar: 42,
    baz: false

    calling the following:

    matchingProps(expected).setActual(actual).compare(); // true

    would return true because actual has both a foo property of type string and a baz property of type boolean. usage in an AftTest.verify function would look like:

    const t = new AftTest('description', () => null);
    await t.verify(() => {foo: 'bar', baz: true}, matchingProps({foo: 'any', baz: false})); // succeeds


    • expected: Record<string | number | symbol, any>

      an object or array containing properties

    • maxDepth: number = Infinity

      a number indicating how deeply comparison should recurse into the objects

    Returns MatchingProperties

    a new {HavingProperties} instance



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