aftConfig: AftConfig = ...

GLOBAL class providing configuration used by AFT and it's plugins for reading in configuration an aftconfig.json, aftconfig.js, aftconfig.cjs or aftconfig.mjs file at the project root. this configuration can be read as a top-level field using aftConfig.get('field_name') or aftConfig.get('field_name', defaultVal) and can also be set without actually modifying the values in your aftconfig.json using aftConfig.set('field_name', val). additionally, configuration classes can be read using AftConfig with the aftConfig.getSection(ConfigClass) which will read from your aftconfig.json file for a field named ConfigClass


  • when a new instance of AftConfig is created the dotenv package is run and any .env file found at your project root (process.cwd()) will be processed into your environment variables making it easier to load values when developing and testing locally.
  • if using a javascript aftconfig file, you must export the config object using module.exports = { ... }

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