TestResult: {
    created: number;
    metadata?: JsonObject;
    resultId: string;
    resultMessage?: string;
    status: TestStatus;
    testId?: string;
    testName?: string;

Type declaration

  • created: number

    number of milliseconds since the epoc at the time this result was created

  • Optional metadata?: JsonObject

    a JSON object containing any additional test or system metadata such as:

    • duration: number
    • environment: string
    • etc.
  • resultId: string

    a UUID used to uniquely identify this result

  • Optional resultMessage?: string

    a description of why the test has the result that it does

  • status: TestStatus

    an indicator of the final status of the test

  • Optional testId?: string

    an identifier to link this result back to an external system such as TestRail

    ex: C1234

  • Optional testName?: string

    the full name of the test to which this result originated

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